Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sony PS4 Release Date

The Sony Playstation 4 is confirmed, and now all there is to do is wait. Right now the Release date is going to be the same as the XBox 720 (which is around Christmas time of 2013) This means we have a year and change until it comes out, but many say it may be half of the wait.

What many people do not understand about Microsoft and Sony is that they BOTH will be releasing their new products at almost the same exact time and here is why...

Lets say you and your friend both created a really awesome car. Yours and your friends are both a sports car, but totally different in style. Would you want to release yours 6 months after your friend releases his car? ...

NO!!!! ..... You would not sell because he would catch all of those who are in need of a SPORTS car at that time. Once you come out with your sports car people will already have purchased one from your friend.

Well Sony and Microsoft products work the same way except lets just say Sony and Microsoft would not really be considered friends.

If one of the companies crack and end up releasing the product early, you better believe the other will as well. This is almost like the Cold War. We waited a while and threatened each other, but you know that if Russia tried anything the U.S would have right after.

Think about this and realize that either way we either have up to a year or as short as months, its all on how smoothly the wait goes for these companies at the corporate level.


  1. Well it's more likely that the 720 is going to sell out faster because the the Xbox has got a bigger fan base. Also I do not understand why the ps4 is a sphere shape is it to do with being easier to carry around. Will the Xbox 720 be like the same structure as the 360? YouTube name for Xbox 360 contest ; jascenterparcs.
    Have u ever thought of becoming a YouTube partner because your vids are quality thanks

  2. I am made fun of at school because I can't play Halo or GOW. I want one sooooo bad! My old one RROD'd.

    name: czablotski
